There will appear a monument on the grave of the famous clown Aijen - В МИРЕ ЦИРКА И ЭСТРАДЫ

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There will appear a monument on the grave of the famous clown Aijen

There will appear a monument on the grave of the famous clown Aijen   On 30 June at 14 p.m. there will be opened a monument to the clown Aijen, the Deserved artist of the Russian soviet federative social republic, at the Novodevichy cemetery.
   Vladimir Aijen, the musical eccentric, devoted more than 40 years to the circus. The son of a circus administrator, he made a debut in 1895 in the circus of Sura, afterwards he mastered many circus genres. He studied at the musical college of Riga. As the musical eccentric he started acting since 1900, in 1937-41 as a solo artist and with different partners, including his daughter – Evgenia Aijen.
   In the last variant the turn included musical plays performed with the help of numerous eccentric  instruments, present-day  recapitulations and musical feuilletons accompanied with violins and concertinos. The performance was marked with high musical culture; and especially successful was a duet with violins. In 1939 Aijen headed a big circus group with which he staged a circus performance “The Motorship “The Joyful” (with the participation of E. Gershuni).
   The famous clown died in 1941 during the performance in the circus on Tsvetnoy boulevard. The artist was buried in 1941 in Novodevichy cemetery but it has only lately become possible to renew the monument. As initiators of the monument opening came out Russian state circus company, Nikulin’s circus and the circus in Vernadsky prospect.



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